Make A Reservation for your Golf Cart

  • Golf Cart Rental Terms and Conditions

    This agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Samara Golf Cart Rentals, hereinafter referred to as the "Company," and the undersigned renter, hereinafter referred to as the "Renter." This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing the rental of golf carts by the Company to the Renter. Please read this Agreement carefully before signing.

    Rental Period: The rental period begins on the date and time specified in the rental agreement and ends on the agreed-upon return date and time. Any extension of the rental period must be agreed upon in writing and may be subject to additional charges. Late charges can be up incurred up to the amount of $125/24 hour period.

    Rental Rates and Charges: The Renter agrees to pay the rental rate and any additional charges as outlined in the rental agreement. Renter understands the use of this machine is confined to roads only and is not permitted on the beach, river crossings, or off-roading. Such use will result in immediate retraction of the vehicle without any refund of any payments made. Additional charges may include, but are not limited to, late return fees, cleaning fees, and charges for damages. Rescues due to Renter neglect including not properly charging the golf cart will result in a fee up to $50. Lost keys will be charged up to $36. Should extra deep cleaning be required a fee of up to $18 may be charged. Lost extensions cords or damage to the charging cords will be charged a fee of up to $50.

    Condition of Golf Cart: The Renter acknowledges receiving the golf cart in good condition and agrees to return it in the same condition, normal wear and tear excepted. The Renter will be responsible for any damages to the golf cart during the rental period, including but not limited to accidents, collisions, or misuse. The Company maintains insurance on all vehicles.

    Use of Golf Cart: The Renter agrees to use the golf cart only for its intended purpose and in a safe and responsible manner in complete accordance with the laws of Costa Rica and it is the sole responsibility of the Renter to be informed as to the laws. The golf cart must not be operated by anyone under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any impairing substances. The Renter must maintain a driver's license in their home country and carry it with them at all times during operating a golf cart. A learner's permit is not accepted.

    Personal Liability: The Renter acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not responsible for any personal injury, loss, or damage to personal property that may occur during the rental period. The Renter is strongly encouraged to obtain personal liability insurance to cover any potential personal injury or property damage claims. The Renter accepts full financial responsibility for any damages or liabilities incurred during the rental period.

    Prohibited Activities: The Renter agrees not to engage in any prohibited activities, including but not limited to overloading the golf cart, towing other vehicles, or using the golf cart for off-road purposes.

    Termination of Agreement: The Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and repossess the golf cart at any time if the Renter fails to comply with the terms and conditions outlined herein.

    Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Costa Rica without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

    The Renter acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.